One of the top 10 rarest cds into the MHR/AOR circle nowadays, in the same league as Florence 99, NVS, Kidd Wikkid, De5 and Oslo. Super-fantastic Italian MHR/AOR album comparable in style to Florence 99, KC Rose, Surrender, Oxido and Douglas, it is one of the best MHR/AOR releases of all times!
Sought after by the top collectors worldwide, this cd was released in extremely limited quantities by a very small label. Vanadium was one of the greatest 80'(but till nowdays underrated) european metal band.This band made the history of Italian '80 metal. First albums(Metal Rock, A Race with the Devil,Game Over,Born to fight)are stronger,sound "more metallic";Sevetheaven(the last album with English lyrics) is an overture to a more commercial melodic hard rock with americanized sound.Without dubts Sevetheaven is a great album, but more energetic than a classical standard AOR: still in 1989 Vanadium always rocks!
Pino Scotto – Vocals,
Steve Tessarin – Guitars,
Ruggero Zanolini – Keyboards,
Mimmo Prantera: Bass,
Lio Mascheroni – Drums.
Tracks: 1.-Italian Girl; 2.-Natural Born Loner; 3.-Take Blues Away; 4.-Seventh Heaven (Ruggero´s Theme) Bad Attitude; 5.-One Way Ride; 6.-Kill the Killer; 7.-Step Ahead of Time; 8.-To Be a Number One; 9.-Warriors.